8:30AM - Tom and Marie:
Maureen’s awake enough to raise the bed and administer her LEVOTHYROXINE with applesauce.
8:45am We started with a full body bath, using the cetaphil cleanser with warm water.
Along with the bathing, we changed a medium wet diaper, applied the usual lotions, and got dressed.
9:15am We transferred to the kitchen. No miralax today.
Marie mixed up a delicious breakfast smoothie and Maureen is enjoying it very much.
10:00am Maureen has finished her smoothie and sitting back, relaxing, listening to some music. There was only one cough the entire time, minor suction was needed.
10:15am Marie performed oral care and nebulizer treatment followed at 10:30.
11:10AM - Facial and hand care routine.
11:30AM - We transferred Maureen to the bedroom for her 1st rest break. Diaper was medium wet, we cleaned/dried and changed her. No vaginal discharges. Position to face her right side.
12:40PM - 1st rest break ended. Diaper was clean and dry. We proceed to wash Maureen's hair. Then, transferred to the kitchen to dry and style after.
1:10PM - BP: 110/65, P: 70 bpm
Lunch was tuna salad, fresh tomato and broccoli soup. Maureen had yogurt and a Milano cookie for dessert. She finished a cup of sparkling water. Coughed 2x.
1:50PM - Oral care. **Reclined geri chair one notch for Maureen's comfort.
Maureen is looking comfortable and relaxed while sitting.
2:30PM - We moved Maureen to the bedroom for her 2nd rest break. Diaper was heavy wet, we cleaned and changed her. Position to face her left side.
3:35PM - 2nd rest break ended. Maureen's diaper was clean and dry. We proceed to dress her then, transferred to the front room.
3:45PM - Fruit snack (pear, apple and melon).
Maureen enjoyed the fruits, she also had a cup of lemon water. Coughed once.
4:50PM - Maureen comfortably sitting on her recliner while watching her favorite game show.
Diaper is lightly wet.
5:00PM - Dinner was sloppy joes, potato salad and a cup of lemon water. No coughs.
5:50PM - Administered 5mg of Olanzapine with apple sauce and 12.5ml of Vimpat.
6:10PM - Oral care.
6:30PM - Me and Joanna moved Maureen to the bedroom. Diaper was medium wet, we cleaned/dried and changed her. Applied Cavilon cream on folds. Applied Cetaphil lotion on face, arms and legs. We position Maureen to face her left side with pillow in between legs and 2 wedges on her back.
6:50PM - Maureen is sleeping.
T - 97.2
P - 73
O2 - 97%