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Saturday, January 1st, 2022 Daytime update Happy New Year


-8.10am- Maureen has been awake and we started our day. Marie and I gave Maureen a full body bed bath. Put Tolcylen on her big toes and it stayed for at least 10 minutes. Applied Cavilon barrier film on her pressure area and Cavilon lotion. Put a new diaper on and a new clothes.

Maris did exercise with Maureen in bed.

-9.15am-Breakfast time. We started with a spoonful of Manuka honey, followed by a thyroid medicine with apple sauce. Maureen enjoyed a banana, oatmeal and a full cup of prune juice. Blood pressure medication was given after breakfast .

-10.00- Oral care.Facial care followed.

10.30sm- Marie did a hand exercise with Maureen.

-10.45-Maureen i relaxing in her recliner, watching the Rose bowl parade with Carolyn.

-11.30am-Smoothie time.

-12.30pm- We took Maureen to the bedroom. Her diaper was heavy wet. We cleaned and changed. Turned Maureen on her left side with the two wedge pillows behind her back and the white pillow between her legs. -1.00pm- We started to get Maureen ready for the hair wash. Changed the medium wet diaper, and as we cleaning she had a medium formed bowel movment. Cleaned with aloe Vesta soap, applied Cavilon lotion and put a new diaper on. Put the pants on, the sling was placed .Placed the shower basin under her head and started washing Maureen‘s hair. She was very comfortable .Dried and styled after. -1.45pm- Lunch time. Maureen ate a Honey baked ham, potatoes with cheese, broccoli and stuffing. Maureen had a bottle of coconut water.

-2.20pm-Orzl care.

-3.00pm- We transferred Maureen to the recliner. She is comfortably watching the Notre Dame game with Tom.

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