8:00am Maureen’s asleep lying on her left side, Tom is by her side.
8:30am Maureen is still sleeping. Tom is with her.
8:55am Maureen’s opening her eyes, but still sleepy.
9:00am Vitals:
Temperature: 98.6
pulse: 67
O2: 91
Tom tells me that this morning around 6:30, Maureen had a mild episode. Her pulse went up to 140, he gave her .1ml Lorazepam then started to go down immediately after. Maureen stayed awake for about 40 minutes.
9:20am Maureen’s closing her eyes from time to time.
9:45am Maureen is fully awake and ready to start her day. Marrie and I perf a full bed body bath with warmed purple wipes and aloe vesta. Changed and cleaned md wet diaper and applied barrier film and cream to her sacrum area and privates. We observed no new redness, abdominal fold looks great. Noticed a light dry spot on the lower part of her Lt breast- applied a thin layer of nystatin. Redness on her fro neck is hardly visible - applied a thin layer of hydrocortisone cream. Dressed and headed to the kitchen.
10:15am Levothyroxine w apple sauce administered. Breakfast: oatmeal, banana, 8 oz prune juice w/1/2 cap miralax. Coughed twice.
Daily miralax dosage 1/2 cap with prune juice.
10:40am Loratadine and Lisinopril administered.
10:50am Oral care and facial routine performed. Reclined Geri chair one notch.
11:00am Maureen got up with great energy, after having her breakfast started to fade. Now she looks tired. She took a long snooze on her Geri chair.
Because of the late start, fruit smoothie and first break was skipped.
12:20pm Lunch: vegetables soup, chicken salad, fresh tomato, coconut water, lemon water. Coughed once.
12:40pm Oral care.
1:10pm We headed Maureen to the bedroom for her break. Cleaned and cleaned a heavy wet diaper. Positioned on her right side, break starts at 1:25pm.
2:25pm Maureen’s day break ends. We cleaned and cleaned a heavy wet diaper and a md formed bowel movement. re-applied 3m cream and dressed her.
2:40pm Marrie and I give Maureen a bed hair wash then blow dry and styled her hair.
3:00pm We headed to the living room.
3:10pm Maureen’s enjoying her fr snack! Coughed once.
Daytime summary
Maureen has been quiet today and tired, likely because the early episode and the Lorazepam. Congestion was very minimal, very few coughs. At the end of the day, she is relaxed resting in her recliner.