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October 29 daytime update


  • 6:35AM - Maureen has been lightly stirring since the shift change.

  • 6:45AM - Maya checked the diaper. The moisture sensitive strip is showing that it is wet.

  • Maureen's day officially began @ 8:20AM. She is in good spirits. Diaper was medium wet. We discovered an excessive amount of Nystatin Cream under the left breast. Maya removed all of the cream, cleaned the area throughly and applied a thin layer of Nystatin Cream to the area. She then performed the standard clean and change process using 3M Cavilon No Rinse Cleansing Spray and Barrier Cream. Lastly, she added a new layer of 3M No-Sting Barrier Film to the pressure ulcer area.

  • Pressure ulcer area update> We examined the area. It continues to heal nicely—shrinking in size and color gets pinker. See the attached image gallery.

  • Breakfast service began @ 8:46AM. Maya first administered the thyroid medication. Geri chair posture is very good—only minimal adjustment with one green wedge pillow was necessary. Coughing during meal service was about average: 2 to 3 times.

  • Daily MiraLAX dosage: None

  • Maureen will consume approximately 4 ounces of prune juice this morning.

  • 9:15AM - Maya administer the blood pressure medication.

  • 9:21AM - Morning oral care routine begins. The upper right gum area around the implant continues to improve but remains a bit red/inflamed. There is no blood present.

  • 9:35AM - Maya cleaned Maureen's eyelashes with Johnson's Baby Shampoo and warm water. She concluded by putting drops into each of Maureen's eyes.

  • 10:25AM - You know what time it is. If you have to ask, you have not been reading this blog very often. Maureen did cough a little more than normal while consuming her organic fruit smoothie.

  • 10:55AM - We headed to the bedroom for the first scheduled rest break of the day. Maureen's diaper was medium wet. Maya performed a standard clean and change.

  • 11:07AM - Maureen will now rest on her left side for the next hour.

  • 12:07PM - Rest break concluded. Maya and I prepared Maureen for lunch. Her diaper was medium wet and she had a medium soft bowel movement. Maya completed a standard clean and change. She also added a thin layer of 3M Cavilon Barrier Cream to all areas exposed to feces and urine .

  • 12:30PM - Lunch | Maya prepared 1/2 a tuna salad sandwich on toasted whole wheat, 1/2 bowl of homemade mushroom soup and a serving of garlic green beans. Maureen drank a 12 ounce bottle of Harmless Harvest Organic Coconut Water. Lastly, she enjoyed a small dish of rice pudding.

  • 1:25PM - Afternoon oral care

  • 2:00PM - We headed to the bedroom for the second one-hour rest period to relieve pressure on Maureen's sacrum. Her diaper was light wet. Maya performed a standard clean and change.

  • 2:14PM - Maureen is now positioned on her right side. She will remain so for one hour.

  • 3:14PM - Rest period ends. We began the process of getting Maureen up. He diaper was medium wet. She had a small formed bowel movement. Maya thoroughly cleaned Maureen with Medline medicated wipes and Aloe Vesta Cleansing Foam. She applied another thin layer of 3M Cavilon Barrier Cream to all skin areas impacted by urine and/or feces. We got dressed and headed to the front room to watch TPIR.

  • 3:42PM - Afternoon fruit snack

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