Maureen began her day @ 8:05AM. She is a bit chatty and generally in good spirits. . Nasal congestion is almost nonexistent—no Flonase.. Click/tap here to view a detailed overview of the process Maya and I use to get Maureen ready for the day.
Breakfast service began @ 8:40AM. Posture in the geri chair is good. Maureen's neck is crooked somewhat hard to the right. We used the two green wedge pillows and the red couch pillow to set Maureen up perfectly. Click/tap here for detailed overview of the entire breakfast service process Maya and I use each day.
Daily MiraLAX dosage - None
Maureen will consume 8 ounces of prune juice today.
9:20AM - Morning oral care routine
9:25AM - We tilted the geri chair back one level for Maureen's comfort and to relieve pressure off of her sacrum.
9:35AM - Morning facial routine
10:40AM - Organic fruit smoothi
General observations @ 10:50AM> The day to this point has gone much better than yesterday. Maureen was engaged, energetic and responsive almost the entire morning. She only coughed four times during breakfast. The smoothie experience was much better today with only four coughs—most of which were of the grinding variety. One difference is that we used fresh bags of blueberries and cherries. We hope the rest of the day will go as well or better.
11:05AM - Maya and I moved Maureen to the bedroom to prepare for Rest Break #1. Diaper was medium wet. Maureen had a small soft bowel movement . We cleaned and changed Maureen and then placed her on her left side.
11:19AM - Rest Break #1 begins.
12:18PM - Rest Break #1 concludes. Diaper is medium wet. Maureen had a small soft bowel movement. Maya and I cleaned and changed Maureen. We then transported her to the kitchen for lunch.
12:35PM - Lunch | Maya prepared a a serving go tuna salad, 1/2 bowl of homemade butternut squash soup and a serving of butternut squash with cranberries and sage.
1:26PM - Afternoon oral care
General observations @ 1:45PM> The lunch service went very well until the last segment. In short order, Maureen coughed 12 time—three go which were red faced, and sneezed approximately 4 times. The coughs were the "grinding" kind of coughs we have experienced most of the week. They just literally came out of the nowhere.
2:02PM - We headed to the bedroom to prepare for RB#2. Diaper was heavy wet. Maureen had two separate BMs that equated to one large soft BM. We cleaned and changed Maureen and then placed on her right side.
2:22PM - RB#2 begins.
3:07PM - RB#2 concludes. Diaper is dry. WE dressed Maureen and headed to the front room for the remainder of the day.
3:22PM - Fruit snack
Daily Cough Count
Breakfast | Smoothie | Lunch | Fruit Snack | Other | Red Face |
4 | 4 | 12 | | 1 | 3 |