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October 13 daytime update

  • 6:35AM - Maureen screamed for a second or two. There were no typical/telltale signs of a seizure. Maya stayed with Maureen from this point forward. While with Maureen, she went to cover her feet. According to Maya, they were "freezing cold." The bedroom window was approximately 1/4 open. The temperature early this morning was in the low 50s. Maya put a pair of socks on Maureen posthaste.

  • 6:50AM - Maureen gasped deeply for just a few seconds.

  • 7:55AM - Every so often, Maureen awakes and is startled. Maya was present to calm her down.

  • There is still a small amount of bleeding around the tooth extraction area. Maya feels it is best not to put the upper partial dental fitting in today.

  • Our day officially began @ 8:25AM. Maureen was in good form—somewhat chatty. As we began the clean process, we noted Maureen had a large soft bowel movement in her diaper. Maya thoroughly cleaned Maureen with the Medline medicated wipes and Aloe Vesta Cleansing Foam. She next applied 3M Cavilon Barrier Cream to all skin areas that are consistently exposed to urine and feces. Finally, Maya applied a new layer of 3M Cavilon No-Sting Barrier Film to the entire pressure ulcer area.

  • Pressure Ulcer Area Update> After examining the area, Maya and I feel it looks even a bit better. There is at this point absolutely no redness. We continue on a path to complete recovery of this area.

  • Breakfast service began @ 8:50AM. Maya first administered the thyroid medication. Maureen's posture in the geri chair is good. We used both green wedge pillows and Magic Mike to perfect her posture. There was absolutely no coughing during breakfast today.

  • General observation @ 9:03AM - Maureen's demeanor is good. She shows no adverse side effects from yesterday's tooth extraction.

  • MIRAlax daily dosage: 1/2 a cap of the plastic bottle.

  • 9:15AM - Maya administered the blood pressure medication. We did not give Maureen the baby aspirin.

  • 9:20AM - Morning oral care routine

  • 9:35AM - Maya cleaned Maureen's eyelashes with Johnson's baby Shampoo and warm water. She also put drops into Maureen's eyes.

  • 10:10AM - Organic fruit smoothie time.

  • 10:30AM - We took Maureen to the bedroom for a clean and change.

  • 10:43AM - Maya and I placed Maureen on her side for the first of two one-hour installments to relieve pressure on her sacrum (lower back). Maureen will spend the next hour on her left side. As always, Maya is sitting with her.

  • 11:43AM - Maya and I started the process of getting Maureen out of bed. We noticed immediately after removing the blanket that Maureen had a large loose bowel movement. The stool had significantly seeped through the diaper and onto the pad. Maya cleaned Maureen very thoroughly using the Medline medicated wipes and Aloe Vesta Cleansing Foam. As a a last step, Maya applied a new coating of 3M Cavilon Barrier Cream to all areas that were exposed to the loose stool.

  • 12:25PM - KAMA (Kathy and Maya), the hair stylists extraordinaire came to the big house on Osceola once again to work their magic. They brushed, shampooed and used the Dyson blow dryer to perfection.

  • 12:45PM - Maya changed the entire set of bed linens.

  • 1:15PM - Lunch | Maya prepared a scrambled egg with shredded turkey and cheese and 1/2 a bowl of homemade chicken noodle soup. Maureen also enjoyed a 12 ounce bottle of Harmless Harvest Organic Coconut Water.

  • 1:45PM - Maya administered one packet of Tylenol crystals to Maureen in case she might be experiencing pain we cannot see.

  • 1:50PM - We decided to head to the bedroom for the 2nd one-hour installment of Maureen laying on her side. The pull up was slightly wet. Maya cleaned and changed Maureen. As she was putting on the new diaper, Maureen urinated on the pad and the new diaper. We repeated the entire clean up process again and placed a diaper on Maureen.

  • 2:15PM - We placed Maureen on her her right side for one hour to relieve the pressure on her sacrum.

  • 3:15PM - It was time to get Maureen out of bed after the second of her 1 hour rest breaks. Her diaper was wet. Maya cleaned Maureen thoroughly and put on a new pull up. We then proceeded to the lift recliner in the front room.

  • 3:40PM - Fruit snack.

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