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November 12 daytime update


  • 6:30AM - Maureen is awake. Maya checked the moisture sensitive strip on the diaper. It is wet.

  • Maureen's day began @ 8:10AM. She is in good form. Diaper was medium wet. Maya completed the clean and change process using 3M Cavilon No-Rinse Cleansing Spray and Barrier Cream. She concluded by applying a new layer of 3M No-Sting Barrier Film to the former pressure ulcer area. We then did the new wash procedure using Aloe Vesta Cleansing Foam, warmed wipes contained in the purple packets and washcloths to dry Maureen. There is a slight red line under the left breast. The area under the right breast for all intents and purposes is fully healed. Maya applied a very thin layer of Nystatin Ointment to both areas.

  • Breakfast service began @ 8:40AM. Maureen's posture in geri chair is good. Maya got things started by administering the thyroid pill. Maureen coughed 4 times during breakfast. This is a little more than normal. She sneezed once.

  • Maureen will consume approximately 4 ounces of prune juice this morning.

  • Daily MiraLAX dosage: None

  • 9:25AM - Maya administered the blood pressure medication.

  • 9:30AM - Morning oral care. Upper right gum area around the implant remains slightly inflamed. There is no bleeding.

  • 9:43AM - Eyelash cleaning. Eye drops.

  • 10:30AM - Organic fruit smoothie time. Maureen had difficulty with the smoothie today. She coughed six times and sneezed once.

  • General observation @ 10:38AM> Maureen has been more lethargic than normal during the last 90 minutes. She lacks energy—having trouble keeping her eyes open.

  • 11:02AM - We took Maureen to the bedroom for the first rest break of the day. Her diaper was medium wet. She had a large formed bowel movement while we were changing her. Maya performed a thorough clean and change. We positioned Maureen on her left side.

  • 11:23AM - Maureen is now positioned on her left side for the next hour.

  • 12:23PM - First rest period concludes. Diaper is light wet. Maya cleaned and changed Maureen. We headed to the kitchen.

  • 12:40PM - Lunch | 1/2 ham and melted cheese sandwich with mayonnaise on toasted whole wheat, 1/2 bowl of chicken noodle soup, a serving of green beasn and a serving of sliced tomatoes. Maureen will also consume 1 12 ounce bottle of Harmless Harvest Organic Coconut Water. Oral care followed right after lunch.

  • 2:00pm- Tom and Maya transferred Maureen to the bedroom for a change. Her diaper was medium wet. Maureen urinated on the pad while changing. Cleaned with Cavilon cleanser spray, put Cavilon Barrier Cream and a new diaper on.

  • 2:15pm- Translated Maureen to the recliner. She is watching “Let’s Make A Deal “.

  • 3:00pm- Fruit time.

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