4:00pm Maureen’s sitting comfortably watching games show.
4:45pm Blood pressure: 118/78, P 73.
4:50pm Checked diaper, it’s dry.
4:55pm Dinner: Meatloaf muffin with mashed potatoes and asparagus, half cup of lemon water. No coughs.
5:50pm Administered evening meds, 12.5ml Vimpat and 5mg Olanzapine with apple sauce.
6:00pm Oral care.
6:20am Transferred Maureen to the bedroom. We cleaned and changed a heavy wet with a Very small-soft BM diaper, applied Cavilon barrier cream to sacral and inner thighs areas. Wiped clean hands and face, applied Cetaphil cream, including lower extremities.
6:50pm Positioned on her left side, Maureen goes to sleep for the night.
Vitals: Temp: 97.4, Pulse: 71, O2: 97.
Monday March 25, 2024 Swing shift
Updated: Mar 26, 2024