4:00pm Maureen is resting comfortably watching tv.
4:45pm Blood pressure: 108/67, P 68.
4:50pm Checked diaper, it was dry.
5:00pm Dinner: Italian stuffed pepper, rice with berries and half cup of lemon water. Maureen ate it all. Coughed once.
5:45pm Evening meds: 12.5ml Vimpat and 5mg Olanzapine w/apple sauce.
6:00pm Oral care.
6:30pm Transferred Maureen to the bedroom. Cleaned and changed a heavy wet diaper with a Medium-formed BM and applied Cavilon cream, wiped clean face and hands, applied Cetaphil to her face and extremities.
7:00pm Maureen goes to sleep for the night.
Temp: 96.5
O2: 95