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May 17 daytime update


Updated: May 18, 2022

  • 6:30AM - Maureen is sleeping.

  • 7:00AM - Maureen has begun to stir a bit, but she remains asleep.

  • 7:15AM - Maureen woke up. Maya gave her a few sips of water from the mouth swab.

  • 7:30AM - Maureen fell back asleep.

  • Maureen began her day @ 8:05AM. She is alert and engaged. Congestion is heavy. We will administer a nebulizer treatment just prior to breakfast. The diaper is light wet. Click/tap here to view a detailed overview of the process Maya and I use to get Maureen ready for the day.

  • 8:41AM - Nebulizer treatment

  • Breakfast service began @ 8:53AM. Posture in the geri chair is very good. Maureen is tilting a bit to the left. We used the two wedge pillows to straighten her posture. Click/tap here for detailed overview of the entire breakfast service process Maya and I use each day.

  • Since Maureen has not had a BM in more than 2.5 days, we increased her prune juice serving by 2 ounces to a total of 6 ounces.

  • Daily MiraLAX dosage: None

  • General observations @ 9:32AM> Breakfast went very well. Maureen's energy was acceptable. She was engaged and communicative for the most part. Eyes were wide open. Maureen did not fall asleep at all. Coughing was almost nonexistent—only 1. She sneezed only twice. It is reasonable to conclude the nebulizer treatment worked quite well.

  • 9:40AM - Morning oral care routine

  • 9:48AM - We tilted the geri chair back one notch for Maureen's comfort and to relieve stress/pressure off of her sacrum.

  • 9:50AM - Morning facial treatment

  • 10:20AM - Hand, arms and shoulder exercises.

  • 11:05AM - We headed to the bedroom to prepare for Rest Break #1. Diaper was medium wet. Maureen had a medium soft bowel movement. After completing a thorough clean & change. Maya and I placed Maureen on her right side.

  • 11:25AM - Rest Break #1 begins.

  • 12:38PM - Rest Break #1 ends. Diaper is light wet. Maya and I performed and clean & change. We then transported Maureen to the kitchen for lunch.

  • 12:55PM - Lunch | Maya prepared a serving of tuna salad, a slice of spaghetti bread, 1/2 a bowl of homemade mushroom soup and a serving go sliced tomato. Maureen will consume one 12-ounce bottle of Harmless Harvest Organic Coconut Water during the lunch service.

  • General observations @ 1:45PM> Lunch went reasonably well. Maureen was engaged and communicative. Eyes were wide open. She did not nap/sleep at all. Coughing was more than we would like—7 total. She appeared to get a bit congested as lunch came to a close.

  • 2:00PM - Afternoon oral care routine

  • 2:20PM - We placed Maureen in bed for what will be a short Rest Break #2. Since the diaper was light wet and that we would be getting her up in 30 minutes or so, we decided not to change her.

  • 2:30PM - Rest Break #2 begins

  • 3:01PM - Rest Break #2 ends. Diaper is medium wet. Maureen also had a medium soft bowel movement. Maya thoroughly cleaned Maureen. We put on a new diaper. Upon completion, we headed to the front room for the remainder of the afternoon.

  • 3:25PM - Afternoon fruit snack

Daily Cough Count




​Fruit Snack


Red Face







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