6:35AM - Maureen is sound asleep. Diaper is dry.
Day officially began @ 7:55AM. Maureen is in good form. Her diaper was wet. Maya thoroughly cleaned Maureen with heated wipes from the purple packet. She put on a fresh pull up and pair of pants.
8:15AM - Breakfast service begins. Maureen is sitting upright in the day chair without assistance. She is alert and engaged.
Maureen will consume 1/2 glass of prune juice this morning.
Nasal congestion is minimal. We will skip the Flonase today.
8:32AM - morning medications administered: baby aspirin and blood pressure pill.
8:55AM - Maureen remains seated upright in the day chair without assistance.
9:18AM - Maureen's energy and engagement letters are very good this morning. She is working much better with Maya on some basic ball and cup exercises. Have not seen her do this well in a long time.
9:25AM - Maureen is starting to fade. Her brow is furrowed. She is beginning to frown. Still remains upright in the day chair without assistance.
9:35AM - Maureen's posture degraded significantly. She is slumping forward and to the left. Maya used two wedge pillows to straighten her posture so that she could give Maureen her smoothie.
9:45AM - Maya treated Maureen's scalp with olive oil.
10:35AM - Maya and Brian washed Maureen's hair with Selsun Blue.
10:55AM - We went to the bathroom. Pull up was dry. We waited 10 minutes. Maureen did not go to the bathroom.
12:30PM - Went to bathroom. Pull up was wet. The urine seeped through to her pants. Maureen did not urinate or move her bowels. Maya cleaned Maureen. She also put on a fresh pull up and a new pair of pants.
1:00PM - Lunch
3:00PM - Fruit snack.
4:15PM - Tom and Maya took Maureen to the bathroom. Pull up was wet. The urine once again seeped through to Maureen's pants. Maya cleaned Maureen. She put on a new pair of pants and a fresh pull up. Maureen also urinated in the toilet. It was clear.
May 14 daytime update
Updated: May 17, 2021