6:35AM - Maureen is awake—stirring lightly.
7:15AM - Diaper is now wet. Maureen continues to sleep lightly. Maureen last urinated between 6:35AM to 7:15AM.
Day officially began @ 8:50AM. Diaper was wet. Maya thoroughly cleaned with warm wipes in the purple packet and changed Maureen.
9:05AM - Breakfast begins. Maureen is sitting upright in the day chair without assistance. She is alert and engaged. Maya gave Maureen the thyroid pill.
Nasal congestion warrants a dose of Flonase in each nostril.
Maureen will drink 1/2 glass of prune juice this morning.
9:21AM - Morning medications administered—baby aspirin and blood pressure medication.
Maya gave Maureen her usual teaspoon of honey.
9:35AM - Maureen began to list to the left. Maya inserted a green wedge pillow into the day chair to straighten her out.
9:45AM - Morning malaise has set in. Maureen is now slumping forward slightly and drooling occasionally. Her brow is now partly furrowed. She is also frowning.
10:25AM - Morning smoothie
THAT'S NEW | 10:45AM - Maureen has had several extended periods of coughing during the last 60-90 minutes—so much so that her face turns red.
11:40AM - We took Maureen to the bathroom. There was a small firm bowel movement in her pull up. Maureen also had a small bowel movement in the toilet. Her pull up was dry. Maya cleaned her and put on a fresh pull up.
1:00PM - Lunch.
2:20PM - Since the end of lunch, Maureen has been slumping over badly in the day chair and drooling quite regularly. She has no energy. Engagement level is almost at zero.
Related to the THAT's NEW posted at 10:45AM, Maureen held water in her mouth for extended periods on four occasions today.
2:55PM - We took Maureen to the bathroom. She had a normal size bowel movement in her pull up. It must have been there for a decent amount of time. We had no indication it was there. The stool was all over vaginal area and upper legs. The pull up was also wet. While Maureen was on the commode, she expelled a small amount of slightly cloudy urine in the toilet. Maya throughly cleaned all areas of Maureen. She put on a fresh pull up.
May 11 daytime update
Updated: May 14, 2021