4:00 Maureen is lying comfortably in the recliner.
4:55pm Maureen is up to the bathroom. Pull-up is slightly wet and had a small, firm bowel movement. After 10 minutes, Maureen did not go anymore in the toilet. Perineal care performed.
5:15pm Maureen is up in the day chair sitting by the front door enjoying the sun.
6:15pm Dinner time. Maureen ate 100% of her breakfast soufflé and French toast and had one cup of water. Maureen is noticeably leaning forward more than usual throughout her meal.
7:10pm Administered 10mg OLANZAPINE with yogurt and 7.5mL VIMPAT. Oral care after.
7:45pm Bed time. Transferred Maureen from the day chair to bed using the Hoyer lift. Pull-up is dry, performed perineal care and changed to a fresh diaper. Vicks applied to chest and both right and left big toe. Maureen is turned to her right side.
8:05pm Maureen is sound asleep.
May 11, 2021 Swingshift Update
Updated: May 11, 2021