6:30AM - Maureen is awake. Maya will give her water periodicially via a mouth swab between now and the time she gets out of bed.
6:40AM - Maya checked the diaper. It is wet.
Maureen began her day @ 8:08AM. Maureen is is good form. She is alert and engaged. First order of business was for Maya to apply Tolycylen to both big toenails. Diaper was medium wet. We performed a clean & change using all three 3M Cavilon products where appropriate. Maya checked the entire waistline area. There were fairly sizable thin red spots above and below the waistline at the navel. We applied a thin layer of NystatinOintment to both areas. Lastly, Maya cleaned all of the areas of focus of Maureen's upper body with Aloe Vesta Cleansing Foam and warm wipes from the purple packet. We did not detect any redness/irritation.
Breakfast service commenced @ 8:41AM. Posture in the geri chair is very good—with the assistance of both green wedge pillows and Magic Mike. She is tilting a bit to the left and forward. Maya started by giving Maureen a teaspoon of Manuka Honey followed immediately by the administration of the thyroid medication with a limited amount of applesauce.
Maureen will consume four ounces of prune juice this morning.
Daily MiraLAX dosage: None
General observations @ 8:59AM> Energy is definitely lacking this morning. Posture is starting to tilt more to the let and forward. Communication and engagement are very infrequent. Maureen's eyes are partially closed. Chewing and swelling are deliberate but good. She has not coughed once as of yet.
9:23AM - Maya administered the blood pressure medication with a smattering of applesauce.
9:41AM - Morning oral care routine
9:50AM - Maureen was tilting heavily to the left. We decided to tilt the geri chair back one level to make Maureen more comfortable and to relive stress/pressure on her lower back.
9:51AM - Eyelash cleaning with warm water and Johnson's Baby Shampoo and eyedrops.
10:00AM - Morning facial including hands and arm
10:35AM - Organic fruit smoothie
10:51AM - It was time for Rest Break #1. The diaper was medium wet. Maya and I performed a clean & change. We did note that the red areas above and below the waistline at the navel had gotten a little redder. Maya placed some gauze on the area as an additional precaution. After completing the clean & change, we placed Maureen on her right side.
11:04AM - Rest Break #1 begins.
12:10PM - Rest Break #1 concludes. Diaper is light wet. We performed a clean & change and proceeded to the kitchen posthaste.
12:20PM - Lunch | 1/2 a tuna salad sandwich on toasted whole wheat, 1/2 a bowl of homemade butternut squash soup, a serving of green beans and a 1/4 of a tomato sliced. Maureen will also consume one 12-ounce bottle of Harmless Harvest Coconut Water. For dessert, Maureen enjoyed a small serving of rice pudding.
General observations @ 1:00PM> Maureen's energy and engagement were better than breakfast; however, both were still less than normal. Maureen's eyes were slightly closed during lunch. She did not communicate with Maya very often. There were no issues with chewing or swallowing.
1:06PM - Afternoon oral care
1:55PM - It was time to head to the bedroom to prepare for Rest Break #2. Diaper was light wet. After completing a clean & change, Maya and I placed Maureen on her right side again. We chose to do so because Maureen has been tilting somewhat heavily to the left all day—especially in the head and neck area. As such, we thought it best to place Maureen on her right side again.
2:06PM - Rest Break #2 begins.
3:10PM - Rest Break #2 concludes. Diaper is medium wet. Maya and I performed a clean & change. Afterwards, we were off to the front room for TPIR and a medley of delicious fruit.
3:25PM - Fruit snack
Daytime recap> Overall day rating: slightly better than average. Maureen's energy, engagement and communication were low for most of the day. It did pick up in the late afternoon. This is not uncommon. She nodded off several times in the geri chair. Chewing and swallowing were very good.Cough count was well below the daily average of what we have observed for the last several months. Maureen did not move her bowels.
Daily Cough Count
Breakfast | Smoothie | Lunch | Fruit Snack | Other | Red Face |
2 | 2 | 0 | 2 | 2 | 2 |