5:30am medium wet, changed, repositioned.
6:30 dry, no change
7:30 Maureen is awake, medium wet, changed, wash, dressed, sitting nice on bedside
8:00 breakfast: oatmeal, banana, reg. meds & 1 FLONAISE spray each nostril. Maureen is alert, talkative, leaning to the left. No coughing. Couple sneezes.
9:00 SRS/PT exercises, teeth & face.
11:00 bathroom: dry but changed. No toilet activity.
11:00 visit from Brian and Carolyn
12:20pm: Lunch: beef stir fry.
2:00 bathroom: medium wet, changed. No toilet activity.
3:30 fruit snack. Couple sneezes.
4:00pm bathroom, light wet, changed, tinkle in toilet CLOUDY.