4:00pm Maureen is lying comfortably in the recliner.
6:25pm Maureen’s diaper is now wet. Transferred to bed using the Hoyer lift. Maureen had a small bowel movement. Cleaned well and put on a fresh diaper. No redness observed. We returned to the day chair for dinner.
6:35pm Dinner time. Maureen ate all of her pot roast, carrots, and mashed potatoes. She also had one cup of water. Maureen did well sitting upright throughout her meal with minimal coughing.
7:24pm Administered 7.5mg OLANZAPINE with yogurt and 7.5mL VIMPAT. Oral care after.
7:46pm Bedtime. Transferred Maureen to bed using the Hoyer lift. Diaper is dry. Applied Vicks to chest and both right and left big toe. Maureen is lying on her right side.
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