4:00 pm: Maureen was relaxing in the recliner and watchingTV. She ate one chocolate/coconut candy.
5:30 pm: Maureen breathed for 10 minutes using a nebulizer.
6:00 pm: We headed Maureen to the bedroom. The diaper was very wet + small soft bowel movement. We cleaned and changed her, applied Cavilon Lotion.
6:20 pm: pork choops, potatos with cheese and apple souce, prepared by Tom. Maureen liked it very much:)
Maureen didn't cough during the dinner.
7:00 pm: 7.5 ml VIMPAT and 5 mg OLANZAPINE with chocolate pudding.
7:15 pm: oral care, cleaned, applied Cetaphil Lotion, Vick's to the throat and chest.
Changed T-shirt.
7:30 pm: we headed to the bedroom. The diaper was medium wet. Cleaned and changed, applied Cavilon Lotion.
Applied Cetaphil Lotion to both feet.
Position: left side with two wedge pillows.
Temperature: 97.3
Oxygen: 97
Heart Rate: 64
8:15 pm: asleep