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July 20 daytime update

  • 6:30AM - Maureen is awake in bed. She is chatting with herself.

  • 7:10AM - Maya checked Maureen's diaper. It was wet. Maya cleaned Maureen throughly. We put on a fresh diaper. During the change, it made sense to turn on the massage feature in hopes Maureen would go back to sleep.

  • 7:40AM - Maureen fell back asleep for a few minutes. She is now awake and having a nice chat with herself.

  • The day officially began @ 8:10AM. Maureen is alert and engaged this morning. Her diaper was wet. Maya throughly cleaned Maureen with warmed wipes from the purple packet and put on a new pull up. We did notice a red mark on Maureen's left side just above the waistline. After looking at it closely, Maya and I believe it is a scratch/abrasion—not a pressure sore. We will check it again tomorrow.

  • Breakfast service began @ 8:25AM. Maya administered the thyroid pill immediately. Maureen tilted somewhat hard to the right as soon as we placed her in the geri chair. Maya inserted a green wedge pillow into the geri chair to adjust Maureen's posture.

  • Maureen will consume 1/2 a cup of undiluted prune juice this morning.

  • Maureen has already sneezed once this morning. She sneezed 3-4 times yesterday. This could be allergies or potentially a cold.

  • THAT'S NEW - Maureen tilted to the right today when we placed her in the day chair.

  • THAT'S NEW - Maureen's right eye teared up on two occasions so far this morning.

  • 8:41AM - Blood pressure and baby aspirin administered

  • There is no gunk/sleep in Maureen's eyes this morning.

  • Coughing during breakfast was greater than normal—3 to 4 times.

  • 9:50AM - Fruit smoothie time - all organic all the time.

  • 10:00AM - PT visit with Ann. Today was Ann's last visit. She took the following vitals: BP: 138/70, temperature is 98.1 and heart rate is 72. Ann worked on the same points of focus as last time. They include: getting Maureen to sit upright on her own for as long as possible and getting Maureen to rotate/turn her torso neck and head to the right more often. Ann continues to support taking Maureen to the commode/bathroom as long as it can be done safely.

  • 11:24AM - After Ann departed, Maya checked the pull up. It was wet. We headed to the bathroom. After 15 minutes, Maureen did not urinate or move her bowels in the toilet. Maya thoroughly cleaned Maureen and put on a new pull up. There were no red marks on Maureen's posterior.

  • 12:15PM - Lunch. Today Maya served homemade chicken noodle soup, 1/2 a corned beef sandwich on toasted whole wheat with melted cheese and 1/2 sliced tomato.

  • 1:45PM - Maya determined the pull up was wet. We headed to the bathroom—spent 15 minutes on the toilet. Maureen urinated a small amount into the toilet. She did not move her bowels. Maya throughly cleaned Maureen and put on a fresh pull up. There were no red marks visible on Maureen's posterior.

  • 3:05PM - Afternoon fruit snack.

  • 3:32PM - Maya noted the pull up was wet. We headed to the bathroom in hopes that Maureen would move her bowels. She did nothing on the toilet. Maya thoroughly cleaned Maureen and put on a fresh pull up. There were no red marks on Maureen's posterior.

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