4:00 pm: Maureen was watching TV in the living room
5.30 pm: transfered Maureen to the bedroom:
- diaper very wet
- cleaned and changed
- applied Cavilon Lotion
5:40 pm: 20 ml cough syrop, 1/2 cup of water
5:5 pm: Dinner: beef, potatoes, carrots, one and half cup of water
Maureen was coughing a lot of times during the dinner
6:35 pm:
- 7.5ml of VIMPAT
- 5mg OLANZAPINE with chocolate pudding
6:45 pm: Oral care, cleanup, Cetaphil lotion applied, Vick’s on throat and chest, changed t-shirt.
7:15 pm: Transferred Maureen the bedroom:
- diaper medium wet
- cleaned and changed
- applied Cavilon Lotion
- applied Nystatin in the lower abdomen
- applied Cetaphil to both feet
- applied Tolcylen to both big toes.
Position left side with two wedge pillows and white small pillow between legs.
7:30 pm:
Temp: 97.7,
Oxygen: 97,
Hear Rate: 59,
7:50 pm: asleep