6:30AM - Maureen is awake
7:00AM - Maureen remains awake. I occasionally give her a very small amount of water using one of the pink swabs.
Maureen began her day @ 8:15AM. Wednesday is bed bath day. Diaper is medium wet. We perfumed and standard clean & change using the entire suite of 3M Cavilon products. Maya proceeded to give Maureen a bed bath using warmed wipes from the purple packet and Aloe Vesta Cleansing Foam. Lastly, Maya applied Tolcylen to both big toes.
Breakfast service commenced @ 9:04AM. Posture in the geri chair is good. We inserted one green wedge pillow and Magic Mike. Maya got the ball rolling by giving Maureen a teaspoon of Manuka Honey followed immediately by the administration of the thyroid medication.
Maureen will consume approximately 4 ounce of prune juice.
Daily MiraLAX dosage: None
9:36AM - Morning oral care routine
9:50AM - Eyelash Cleaning
10:00AM - Morning facial including hands and arms
10:35AM - Organic fruit smoothie.
10:55AM - We headed to the bedroom to prepare for Rest Break #1. The diaper was heavy wet. Maureen also had a very small and soft bowel movement. After completing a clean & change, Maya and I set Maureen up on her right side.
11:12AM - Rest Break #1 begins
12:10PM - Rest Break #1 concludes. Diaper is dry. Maya and I got Maureen ready to have her hair shampooed.
12:20PM - KAMA (Kathy and Maya) began to work their magic by shampooing and styling Maureen's hair. It was quite the follicle frenzy. Once again, the pesky paparazzi tried to catch a sneak peak of their secret sauce. Thankfully, next door neighbor Mike Osel brought out one of his shotguns to scare them away. They scattered like a bunch of drug addled Canadian Geese.
12:46PM - Lunch | 1/2 a tuna salad sandwich on toasted whole wheat, homemade organic meatball soup with rice and a serving of mango/cabbage salad. For dessert, Maureen enjoyed a small serving of rice pudding. She also enjoyed one 12 ounce bottle of Harmless Harvest Organic Coconut Water.
1:20PM - Maya administered the second dose of the regular cough medicine.
1:35PM - Afternoon oral care
Key vital signs @ 1:50PM: Temp: 98.8, Oxygen: 97 and Heart Rate: 78
2:00PM - We headed to the bedroom to prepare for Rest Break #2. Diaper was heavy wet. After performing a clean & change, Maya and I placed Maureen on her right side.
2:12PM - Rest Break #2 begins
3:05PM - Rest Break #2 ends. The diaper is medium wet. Maya and I cleaned and changed Maureen and then headed to the front room. Maureen has a double date with a bowl of fruit and Drew Carey.
3:30PM - Afternoon fruit snack.
Day thoughts> Maureen had what we would consider a good day. She ate well. Engagement and communication was greater than yesterday. Due most probably to COVID, she coughed quite a bit today. The key will be to help her clear all of the congestion in her head. Let's hope the new cough medicine prescribed by Julie Krall of JourneyCare does the trick.
Daily Cough Count
Breakfast | Smoothie | Lunch | Fruit Snack | Other | Red Face |
1 | 0 | 7 | 3 | 10 | 10 |