4:00 pm: Maureen was resting in the reclainer and watching TV.
4:30 pm: Nap
We used suction machine three times.
5:00 pm: dinner: pasta with tomato souce, chicken and parmesan
5:30 pm: Nap
6:00 pm: we headed Maureen to the bedroom. The diaper was vey wet. We cleaned and changed her and applied Cavilon Lotion.
After we changed Maureen, her eyes were open wide just for a secunde.
She was breathing fine. The beginning signs of an episode. The pulse was 103 and oxygen was at 96. The pulse was changing very fast. After 1 minute was 124, after another minute 145.
Tom administered .1ml of LORAZAPAM.
We were trying to calm her down.
After 4 minutes the pulse was 78 and oxygen was 98
She was resting comfortably, started eat jello.
6:20 pm : 20 ml Robafen.
6:30pm : 12,5 ml VIMPAT and 5 mg OLANZAPINE with jello.
6: 45pm: Evening oral care.
Cleaned Maureen with Aloe Vesta. Applied Cetaphil cream and Vick’s.
7:15 pm: We headed Maureen to the bedroom. The diaper was dry.
Applied Cetaphil Cream to both feet. Position: left side with two wedge pillows.
Temperature: 96,3
Oxygen: 94
7:55 pm: medium wet diaper. Cleaned and changed. Applied Cavilon Lotion
10:30 pm : dry diaper. Repositioned right side.
12:30 am: light wet diaper. Cleaned and changed. Applied Cavilon Lotion.
Repositioned left side.
2:45 am: dry diaper
Repositioned right side.
3:45 am: Maureen coughted few times. Medium wet diaper. Cleaned and changed, applied Cavilon Lotion. Repositioned left side.
4:45 am: dry diaper
Maureen slept good all night.