4:00 pm: Maureen spoke with Tom on zoom.
She started to watch her favorite show, but after few minutes she closed her eyes. Looked like she was taking a nap.
5:30 pm: Me and Carolyn transferred Maureen to the bedroom. Diaper was medium wet. We cleaned and changed her and applied Cavilon Lotion.
She had close her eyes all the time. We decided to live her in bed for few minutes. She was relaxing on her left side with two wedge pillows.
6:10 pm: We transferred Maureen to the kitchen using the Hoyer lift. Maureen enjoyed pizza and "root beer" for dinner.
6:30 pm: 7.5ml of VIMPAT and 5mg OLANZAPINE with cherry yogurt.
6:45 pm: Oral care, cleanup, Cetaphil lotion applied, Vick’s on throat and chest, changed t-shirt.
7:20 pm: We transferred Maureen to the bedroom. The diaper was a little wet. Cleaned and changed. Applied Cavilon Lotion.
Applied Cetaphil to both feet and Tolcylen to both big toes.
Position left side with two green wedge pillows and white small pillow between legs.
8:00 pm: asleep