6:30AM - Maureen is awake. Stirring lightly.
6:40AM - Maya checked the diaper. It is dry.
7:10AM - Maya checked the diaper. It remains dry.
Maureen began her day @ 8:16AM. She is very alert and talkative this morning. We began by sitting Maureen up to 90 degrees to give her some sips of water. The diaper was light wet. Maya and I completed a clean and change using all three 3M Cavilon products where approbate. Lastly, Maya used Aloe Vesta Cleansing Foam to clean all areas of focus on Maureen's upper body. All of the AOFs look great. None require the application of Nystatin Ointment.
Breakfast service began @ 8:47AM. Position in the geri chair is very good—with the assistance of one green wedge and Magic Mike. Maya gave Maureen a teaspoon of Manuka honey followed immediately by the administration of the thyroid medication.
Maureen will consume 4 ounces of prune juice this morning.
Daily MiraLAX dosage: None
9:06AM - Maya administered the blood pressure medication with a smattering of applesauce.
9:15AM - Morning oral care routine
9:23AM - Maya administered a dose of Robitussin Cough Syrup.
9:30AM - Maya cleaned Maureen's eyelashes.
9:35AM - Morning facial
10:31AM - Organic fruit smoothie.
10:53AM - We transported Maureen to the bedroom to prepare for Rest Break #1. The diaper was medium wet. She had a medium soft bowel movement. After thoroughly cleaning Maureen and putting on a new diaper, we positioned Maureen on her left side.
11:14AM - Rest Break #1 begins.
12:17PM - Rest Break #1 ends. The diaper was medium wet. Maureen had a large formed bowel movement. Maya and I performed a clean & change. We then proceeded to the kitchen for lunch.
12:40PM - Lunch | Maya prepared 1/2 of a ham & cheese sandwich on toasted whole wheat, 1/2 a bowl of homemade butternut squash soup, a serving of broccoli and 1/4 of a sliced tomato.
1:13PM - Afternoon oral care
2:00PM - We headed to the bedroom for Rest Break #2. The diaper was heavy wet. There was also a bit of feces on the diaper. Maya and I did a thorough clean & change and then positioned Maureen on her right side.
2:20PM - Rest Break #2 begins
3:10PM - Rest Break #2 concludes. The diaper is dry. We headed to the front room for the remainder of the afternoon.
3:35PM - Afternoon fruit snack.
3:50PM - Maya administered a second dose of Robitussin cough medicine.
Daily Cough Count
Breakfast | Smoothie | Lunch | Fruit Snack | Other | Red Face |
1 | 2 | 0 | 1 | 3 | 0 |