8:00am Maureen’s already awake, accepting sips of water via swab with Tom by her side.
8:45am Maureen seems fully awake, we raised her bed to administer 75mcg Levothyroxine with apple sauce.
8:50am Merianne and I started the day by giving Maureen a full body bath using warm washcloth and cetaphil cleanser, no redness observed. Clean/change a dry diaper with small bright-red blood spot, applied Cavilon barrier film to sacrum, barrier cream to inner thighs area. Dressed and continued to wash Maureen’s hair, heading to the kitchen afterward.
9:15am Breakfast starts with 8oz prune juice with a full cap of Miralax, and a full Activia yogurt.
9:25am Administered 10mg Loratadine and 100mg Docusate/colace (chopped) with yogurt.
Reclined Geri chair one notch for comfort.
9:30am Blow/dry and styling Maureen’s hair.
9:45am Breakfast cont. with oatmeal/blueberries pancake with jam, coffee and a cup of lemon water. Coughed three times, suction pump used once.
Daily miralax dosage: full cap
10:10am Oral care.
10:20am Facial routine performed.
Maureen was napping for about 35 minutes as soon as she was done with her morning routine.
11:30am Transferred to the bedroom for Maureen’s first resting break. Diaper it’s dry with a tiny blood stain, positioned on her right side.
12:30pm First break ends. Clean/change a medium wet diaper with a Large-formed BM, and a tiny - brownish blood spot. Dressed and headed to the kitchen.
Reclined Geri chair one notch for comfort.
12:45pm Blood pressure: 100/62, P 82
12:50pm Lunch: Chicken/rice soup with guacamole, full cup of coconut water and baked apple with vanilla ice cream for dessert. Coughed twice.
1:35pm Oral care.
2:20pm Maureen sits relaxed and alert while listening to her playlist. In the meantime, she had 3/4 cup of ginger tea.
2:30pm Transferred to the bedroom for Maureen’s second resting break. Tom and I clean/change a heavy wet diaper with small-bright red blood spot, positioned on her left side
3:30pm Second break ends. Diaper it’s dry and clean, dressed and headed to the living area.
3:45pm Maureen’s enjoying her fruit snack (melon/pear/kiwi), and half cup of lemon water.
Throughout the day, Maureen didn’t show any signs of discomfort or distress. She’s been calm, alert, ate all her meals with enthusiasm and gave us a couple of smiles.
Friday October 4, 2024 Daytime update
Updated: Oct 8, 2024