4:00 pm- Maureen is resting in the recliner, watching a tv show.
4:45 pm- BP- 115/65, P- 74.
5:00 pm- Dinner- pot roast ,potatoes, zucchini, cup of water. We used the suction machine throughout dinner because of the gargling sound in the back of her throat. No coughs.
5:45 pm- Administered 5 mg of Olanzapine and 12.5 ml of Vimpat.
5:55 pm- Evening oral care.
6:15 pm- Maureen is already sleeping in the recliner. We transferred her to the bedroom. Her diaper was heavy wet. Tom and I cleaned and changed her. Applied Cavilon cream. Applied Cetaphil lotion to Maureen's face, hands, legs and feet. Positioned Maureen on her left side.
T- 97.1 , P- 69 , O2 - 96.
Friday, November 17 Swing shift
Updated: Nov 17, 2023