Maureen began to wake at 7:45AM. She was groggy/unresponsive - not as much as yesterday. Her arms are twitching frequently this morning.
Pull up was soaked. The urine went through the pad to the bed sheets. We changed and cleaned Maureen thoroughly.
We did not administer the morning dose of OxCARBAZepine.
Maureen is in good spirits as she eats breakfast. She is sitting up straight and is talkative.
She coughed 1-2 times during breakfast.
Maureen has more energy this morning. Her exercises with Maya are more more productive. She is being much more talkative.
11:50AM - Maureen urinated an average amount in the toilet. The pull up was totally dry.
2:50PM - Maureen went to the bathroom. She urinated in the toilet. It was cloudy. Volume was average.