Dr. Dan came to the house and trimmed Maureen’s nails, cleaned the fungus on her big toes, and put some lotion on her feet shins.
We discussed how her feet looked in comparison to his last visit, 9 weeks ago. Overall, they are looking good, no worse than before. That being said, I had asked if the Vick’s was helping, or if we should try the medicine … CICLOPIROX, which Dr. Purinson had prescribed.
Dr. Dan said to try the CICLOPIROX, as prescribed, at nighttime. We will start tonight, allowing it to dry and keeping the socks off at night. He had also said to stop with the Vick’s, DO NOT ALTERNATE BETWEEN THE TWO.
We talked about her 2nd toe on her right foot, he described this as “hammer toe”, caused by the larger muscle in the leg taking over smaller ones in the foot. We can get toe sleeves from Walgreens/CVS, if we want to try to keep the toe from rubbing on the top of the shoe …
We can discuss this further when we’re together. His next visit will be in approximately, 9 weeks, the office will call me to set it up.