8:00am Maureen is awake. She is lying on her right side. Maya states Maureen has been awake since she arrived at the house.
8:10am Our morning begins. Maureen's diaper is medium wet - Maya and I performed a clean and change and applied 3M products. We next washed Maureen's upper body using warmed wipes from the purple packet. We finished dressing and headed to the kitchen after.
8:40am Administered Levothyroxine with applesauce.
8:42am Breakfast - Oatmeal, banana, 8 oz prune juice, cup of water.
Daily Miralax dosage - 1/2 cap
9:02am Administered Lisinopril and Loratidine with applesauce.
9:06am Oral care.
9:16am We reclined Maureen's geri chair down one notch.
9:22am Eye wash and eye drops.
9:27am Morning facial routine.
General Observation @ 10:00am - Maureen's morning went well today. She was full of energy from the get go and we were able to start our day with no issues. Breakfast went well - coughing was minimal and Maureen's posture is perfect in the geri chair. As of this post, Maureen is asleep in the geri chair.
10:40am Fruit smoothie.
11:20am We headed to the bedroom for rest break #1. Maureen's diaper is medium wet - Maya and I performed a clean and change. Maureen will lie on her left side for one hour starting at 11:30am.
12:45pm Rest break #1 ends. Maureen's diaper is heavy wet and she had a small, formed bowel movement. Maya and I performed a clean and change. We headed to the kitchen after.
1:00pm Lunch - chicken noodle soup, chicken burrito bowl from chipotle, bottle of organic coconut water, cup of water.
1:55pm Oral care.
2:45pm We headed to the bedroom for rest break #2. Maureen's diaper is heavy wet - Maya and I performed a clean and change and turned her to her right side. Rest break begins at 3:00pm.
3:45pm Rest break #2 ends. Maureen's diaper is dry. We headed to the front room.
4:00pm Fruit snack.
Daily Cough Count
Breakfast | Smoothie | Lunch | Fruit Snack | Other | Red Face |
3 | 2 | 4 | 1 | 3 | 4 |