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August 31 daytime update


Updated: Aug 31, 2022

  • 6:35AM - Maureen is sleeping.

  • 7:44AM - Maureen remains asleep. She has not so much as stirred even once.

  • 8:16AM - Maureen is still sleeping. Djon is sitting at the bedside.

  • 8:48AM - No change. Even despite the incidental noise Djon made when going in and out of the bedroom on a few occasions, Maureen has not stirred a bit.

  • 9:18AM - No chance. Maureen continues to sleep soundly—not moving at all.

  • 10:05AM - Djon and I decided to clean and change Maureen. It had been more than four hours since her last change. Much to our surprise, her diaper was dry. In retrospect, it is not that surprising because Maureen has not consumed much liquid in the last 24 hours. We needed to turn Maureen on to her right side anyway. Djon and I also took the opportunity to clean the areas focus on the upper body with warmed wipes from the purple pack and Aloe Vesta Cleansing Foam. It was also time for a clean t-shirt. I also noted her feet were a bit cold. We put on a pair of socks. Lastly, Djon applied some Bert's Bees lip balm and some La Mer serum to Maureen's hands and arms. He also applied a wet mouth swab to Maureen's lips and front teeth.

  • General observations @ 10:35AM> Maureen opened her eyes slightly for just a moment during the entire clean & change process. Her hands and feet were slightly cold. She is very calm and at peace. Neither Djon nor I noted any of the common seizure signs.

  • 11:05AM - Maureen opened her eyes. She has been more or less awake for the last 85 minutes. She is very docile—not moving any of her extremities. There is little or no communication. I have from time to time given her the opportunity to take water from the swab. Sometimes she takes it—more often she does not. It is now 12:30PM. Djon and I are going to do a clean & change at 1:00PM. At that time, we will decide whether or not to get Maureen out of bed. It is our intention to do so as long as Maureen is not in danger in any way.

  • 1:00PM - It was time to clean & change Maureen. Diaper was light wet. It went well. So, we decided to move ahead and shampoo Maureen's hair. This also went off without a hitch. Djon and I proceeded to transport Maureen to the kitchen for lunch.

  • 1:36PM - Lunch | Djon prepared a serving of Chesapeake Bay shrimp salad, less than 1/2 of a ham, cheese and mayonnaise sandwich on toasted sourdough bread and a quarter bowl of homemade lentil soup. Maureen will also drink one 12-ounce bottle of Harmless Harvest Organic Coconut Water. Djon will administer the entire set of morning medications, 1/2 cap of MiraALX and a does of Keppra during the lunch service.

  • General observations @ 2:15PM> Lunch went well. Maureen's posture in geri chair was very good. Her eyes were wide open during the food service. The left eye is almost completely back to normal. A slight bit of swelling remains. She was somewhat communicative. Chewing and swallowing went well. There were 9 coughs during lunch. Big picture—it was great to see Maureen out of bed, sitting up and enjoying lunch. Let's hope and pray the rest of the day goes as well.

  • 2:15PM - Afternoon oral care

  • 2:25PM - We tilted the geri chair back one level for Maureen's comfort and to relieve pressure off of her sacrum.

  • 3:00PM - We headed to the bedroom for a clean & change in advance of Nurse Ann's visit. Diaper was medium wet. The dose of Keppra really began to take effect. Maureen was very sleepy. Djon and I concluded it was best to leave Maureen in bed for the time being.

Daily Cough Count




​Fruit Snack


Red Face







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