4:00 PM. Maureen is sitting comfortably on her recliner chair watching TV.
5:00 PM. Dinner was creamy chicken with carrots with lemon water which she enjoyed so much. **coughed and sneezed 4x, suctioned some of the secretions.
5:45 PM. BP 113/97 W
6:10 PM. Administered 5mg of Olanzapine and 12.5ml of Vimpat with apple sauce.
6:25 PM. Oral and denture care done.
6:45 PM. Transferred Maureen to bedroom. She had heavy wet diaper. Cleaned, dried and changed. No redness noticed. Applied Cavilon cream to perineal area. Applied Cethapil lotion on arms and legs. Positioned her to be facing her left side.
Vital Signs:
Temp: 97.4°
Pulse: 49 bpm
O2: 96%