6:30AM - Maureen is awake—lying in bed peacefully chatting with herself.
Day began at 8:05AM. Maureen is in good spirits—chatty. It is music to our ears.
Her diaper was damp. Maya cleaned Maureen thoroughly and placed a new pull up on Maureen.
8:20AM - Breakfast begins. Maureen in sitting upright in the chair. She was tilting a bit to the right today. Maya inserted the green wedge pillow into the chair to straighten her.
Maureen coughed more than normal during breakfast—4 to 5 times.
Overall disposition, engagement and responsiveness is improved this morning as compared to the last four days.
Maureen will drink 1/2 cup of prune juice.
Amount of nasal congestion warrants a dose of Flonase in each nostril.
8:36AM - Morning meds administered
9:00AM - Maya was able to remove the green wedge pillow from the day chair. Maureen is now sitting up on her own without assistance.
9:20AM - Maureen is beginning to lose energy. Her forehead is furrowed. Her engagement and responsiveness has dipped significantly.
9:50AM - Maureen began to slump forward and to the left. Maya had to reinsert the green edge pillow into the day chair.
10:10AM - Maureen urinated a large amount in the toilet. Urine was cloudy. Her pull up was dry. No change was necessary.
12:40PM - Maureen continues to slump forward and to the left in the day chair. Maya has to continually readjust the green wedge pillow to keep Maureen upright.
1:10PM - We took Maureen to the bathroom. Pull up was dry She urinated an average amount into the toilet. Pull up was dry.
Maya and I placed Maureen in the lift recliner immediately after leaving the bathroom. She continues to tilt heavily to the left. We had use both green wedge pillows to straighten her out.
3:15PM - Maureen informed Maya and me that she had to go to the bathroom. We took her. She urinated a decent amount in the toilet. It was cloudy. Her pull up was dry.
April 16 daytime update