11:00pm, dry , changed position
12:00, dry
1:30, changed, wet, position too
3:30, dry, bad cough
4:20, dry
5:00, changed, wet, position too
6:20, changed, wet, position too
7:30, bed bath, dressed for the day
8:00, breakfast and daily meds, plus
125mg sprinkles
9:00, light PT
9:30, bathroom, dry, #1, cloudy
10:00, rest in front room
11:00, fruit snack, visit from Andy, prayer and communion
12:30, bathroom, #1, cloudy
12:45,lunch, visit from Susan
2:00, bathroom, dry, false alarm
2:15, exercises in chair
4:00, walk around
4:15, bathroom, #1, yellowish clear
5:00, cat nap in chair
6:00, dinner, meds, 10mg OLANZAPINE, 125mg sprinkles, and
2.5ml OXCARBAZEPINE, followed by teeth, cleanup, and ready for bed
7:30, bed, asleep by 8:00
10:30, changed, wet, position too