11:00pm, dry, changed position
12:00, wet, changed, position too
3:30, dry, changed position
4:30, wet, changed, position too
5:00, Maureen moved enough where her feet were hanging over the bed, dresser side, the two ladies repositioned her
6:00, #1&2, cleaned and changed
7:00, checked, dry
7:40, checked, dry, dressed for breakfast, every day meds and
250mg sprinkles, 6ml CEFDINIR, 5mg OLANZAPINE
9:30, bed bath, changed, nap for an hour
10:30, wet, changed
12:00, bathroom, wet
12:30, lunch in front room
2:00, bathroom, wet
3:00, fruit snack in kitchen
3:30, walking in chair
4:30, bathroom, #1, dry
5:45, dinner, 250mg sprinkles, 6ml CEFDINIR & 10mg OLANZAPINE
7:15, teeth and cleanup
7:30, bed, asleep by 8:15